Assigning Business Hours to Staff Members

After setting up business hours, you can assign them to staff members. You can assign multiple sets of business hours to cover an entire year to a staff member. However, the dates for the business hours assigned to a staff member cannot overlap.

Note: Business hours are the number of hours per day that staff members are expected to work. They are not tied to certain times of day.

You can assign business hours to staff individually or in a group. See the sections below for detailed instructions.

Assign Business Hours for an Individual Staff Member

Use the following procedure to change the business hour assignments for a single staff member.

Note: This procedure describes how to assign business hours from the Business Hours section of Staff Manager. You can also assign business hours from a staff member's profile. See Managing Staff Business Hours in the Staff Profile for more information.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Select Business Hours on the navigation panel.
  3. Select one or more staff from the grid.
  4. Click Open in the Edit group of the Home ribbon. You can also right-click and select Open from the menu.
    • The Available grid at the top of the window lists business hours not assigned to this staff member.
    • The Selected grid at the bottom of the window lists business hours assigned to the staff member.
  5. Do the following as needed:
    • Assign business hours to the staff member. In the Available gird, select one or more sets of business hours, and then click to assign the selected business hours to the staff member. Click to assign all of the business hours to the staff member.
    • Unassign business hours from the staff member. In the Selected grid, select one or more sets of business hours to unassign from the staff member. Click to unassign the selected business hours from the staff member. Click to unassign all of the business hours from the staff member.
  6. Repeat the previous step as needed until the assigned hours are set appropriately for the staff member.
  7. Click Save & Close.

Assign Business Hours for Multiple Staff Members

You can update the business hours for multiple staff members at one time. There are two ways to perform this task:

  • Update each selected staff member individually. This is the default update method. Using this method, the business hours assigned to each staff display on a separate page. You can page through the selected staff to view and edit each staff's assigned business hours.
  • Update all the selected staff members as a group. In this method, a single window displays the business hours assigned to the selected staff. Changes are made one time for all selected staff. All of the selected staff will have the same business hours when the updates are completed. You are asked to confirm applying the changes to each selected staff.

Click a link below for the method you want to use.

ClosedUpdate selected staff members individually.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Select Business Hours on the navigation panel.
  3. Select multiple staff members in the grid. Press Shift on your keyboard while selecting staff members to select contiguous rows in the grid, or Ctrl + Shift to select non-contiguous rows.
  4. Right-click and select Update > Individual from the menu. The name of the staff you are editing displays at the top of the window in the title bar.
  5. Do the following as needed for the selected staff member:
    • Assign business hours to the staff member. In the Available gird, select one or more sets of business hours, and then click to assign the selected business hours to the staff member. Click to assign all of the business hours to the staff member.
    • Unassign business hours from the staff member. In the Selected grid, select one or more sets of business hours to unassign from the staff member. Click to unassign the selected business hours from the staff member. Click to unassign all of the business hours from the staff member.
  6. After making all your changes for this staff member, click one of the following:
    SkipMoves you to the next staff member without making changes to the currently selected staff member.
    Save & PreviousSaves your changes and moves to the previous selected staff member. This option is not available when you are editing the first selected staff member.
    Save & NextSaves your changes and moves to the next selected staff member. This option is not available when you are editing the last selected staff member.
  7. Repeat the previous two steps as needed until all the selected staff are updated.
  8. After making all your changes, click Save & Close to save your changes and close the window.

ClosedUpdate all selected staff members as a group.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Select Business Hours on the navigation panel.
  3. Select multiple staff members in the grid who should have the same business hours.
  4. Right-click and select Update > Update All from the menu.
  5. Do the following as needed for the selected staff member:
    • Assign business hours to the staff member. In the Available gird, select one or more sets of business hours, and then click to assign the selected business hours to the staff member. Click to assign all of the business hours to the staff member.
    • Unassign business hours from the staff member. In the Selected grid, select one or more sets of business hours to unassign from the staff member. Click to unassign the selected business hours from the staff member. Click to unassign all of the business hours from the staff member.
  6. Click Continue.

    Note: You can click Reset to at any time to discard your changes.

  7. Review your staff selections.
  8. If needed, clear the check box next to a staff name to exclude that staff member from the update.

    Tip: You can select the box in the header to select all staff or you can clear that box to deselect all staff.

  9. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Apply Changes.