Managing Staff Business Hours in the Staff Profile

You can manage assigned business hours for a staff member in the Staff Profile. This option is an additional way to perform the tasks described in Assigning Business Hours to Staff Members.

Note: This topic describes how to update business hour assignments for a single staff member. You can also use the Update Multiple > Individually option to edit several selected staff members in sequence at the same time. The Update Multiple > All Selected option is not available when editing business hours in the staff profile. If you want to update several staff members as a group, see Assigning Business Hours to Staff MembersUpdate all selected staff members as a group.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Select the check box for the staff member you want to edit, and then click Open. You can also right-click a staff member in the grid and select Open.
  3. Click Practice > Hours and Goals on the navigation panel.
  4. Click Modify business hours in the Business hours section.
  5. Select the check boxes for the business hours you want to assign to the staff member. Clear the check boxes for business hours you want to unassign from the staff member.

    Note: If needed , click Create new business hours, and then follow the instructions in Setting Business Hours to add a new set of business hours.

  6. Click Assign to save the changes.