Managing Bill Rates for Individual Staff Members

In the Bill Rates window, you can add new bill rates or modify existing bill rates. You can also enter effective dates for bill rates. This allows you to update rates on an annual basis without requiring that all transactions be entered prior to updating the rate. The appropriate rate for the date of the transaction will automatically be entered, even if the transaction is after the effective date of the new rate.

The Bill Rates window displays when you click Add New Bill Rates in the staff profile on the Practice > Time Capture window.

To manage bill rates for a staff member, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the profile for the staff member.
    1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
    2. Select the check box for the staff member you want to edit, and then click Open. You can also right-click a staff member in the grid and select Open.

      Note: If you need to make changes for multiple staff members, you can use the Update Multiple > Individually option. For more information about updating multiple staff, see Editing Staff Profiles.

  2. Click Time Capture on the navigation panel.
  3. Click to expand the Bill rates section if it is not already expanded.
  4. Do any of the following as needed: 
    • ClosedAdd new bill rates for a staff member.
      1. Click Add new bill rates.
      2. Select the date when the new bill rate should take effect in the Effective date box.
      3. Click Add New Bill Rate in the first row of the grid and select the name of the new rate you want to add for this staff member.

        Note: The list of available rates is defined in Lists. See Entering Bill Rates for more information on creating the list of bill rates.

      4. Enter an hourly rate for the newly selected bill rate, and then press Tab on the keyboard. The new rate is added at the bottom of the list of rates.

        Tip: What you include in the employee's cost rate is up to you. This rate is used in determining your billing realization. You can choose to include only the employee's salary or the employee's salary plus some or all benefits and other costs of employment.

      5. Optionally, you can select either Hourly rate or Percent of standard bill rate to indicate how intracompany charges should be calculated. You can then enter either the rate or percentage to use.
      6. Click OK.
    • ClosedEdit the hourly rate for a billing rate assigned to the staff member.
      1. Click View /edit bill rates.
      2. Edit the hourly rate as needed.
      3. Click OK.
    • ClosedView the bill rate history for a staff member.
      1. Click View/edit bill rates.
      2. Select a date range from the lists in the Start and End boxes. Bill rates in effect for that date range display in the grid.
      3. Click Cancel to exit the window.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and continue working in the staff profile, or click Save and Close to save your changes and close the staff profile.