Setting Time Capture Options for a Staff Member

You can select Time Capture options for a staff member using Staff Manager. These Time Capture options include:

  • The person who is responsible for reviewing the staff member's time and expense transactions.
  • The billing rates used for the staff member.
  • The hourly rate to use for each billing rate.
  • Any yearly allowances for service code classes. For example, if your firm set up a service code class for vacation hours, you can enter the number of hours of vacation allowed for the staff.

The procedure below explains how to change Time Capture options for a single staff member. For information about updating multiple selected staff, see Editing Staff Profiles.

To manage Time Capture options for a staff member, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the profile for the staff member.
    1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
    2. Select the check box for the staff member you want to edit, and then click Open. You can also right-click a staff member in the grid and select Open.

      Note: If you need to make changes for multiple staff members, you can use the Update Multiple > Individually option. For information about updating multiple selected staff, see Editing Staff Profiles.

  2. Click Practice > Time Capture on the navigation panel.
  3. In the Transaction reviewer list, select the person who is responsible for reviewing the time and expense transactions for this staff member.

    Note: This option is only valid if your firm selected to require review of time and expense transactions on the Time Capture Settings window.

  4. In the Bill rates section, add or edit bill rates for this staff member as needed. See Managing Bill Rates for Individual Staff Members for detailed instructions. ClosedTell me about the components in this section.
  5. In the Yearly allowances section, select an allowance from the Add a new Allowance list, and then enter the number of hours permitted for that item.

    Note: The items in the Allowances list are set up by your firm in the service code classes list. See Using the Service Code Class Grid for more information.

  6. Click Save to save your changes and continue working in the window, or click Save & Close to save your changes and exit the window.