Printing in Tax

In Tax, you can print the following from the Application menu:

Print Options

Tax default print options, such as formatting, default printer, print order and sequence, watermarks, and number of copies, can be set for the firm, a user, and a specific return. Configure the default settings for tax return print processing using print options and print sets.

Overriding Print Defaults

You can override settings as shown below. For example, you can override a return configuration set print option in a tax return worksheet. This does not change the setting in the return configuration set. The change only affects the tax return.

Print Window

Settings in the tax return Print window supersede:

  • Worksheet print settings
  • User Options print settings
  • Return configuration set
  • Return print set

Tax Return

Settings in the worksheet supersede:

  • User Options print settings
  • Return configuration set
  • Return print set

User Options

User Options print settings supersede:

  • Return configuration set
  • Return print set


  • See Using Quick Print for information about the application of print options for the Quick Print feature.
  • The availability of boxes on Print windows can depend on the return tax product and section associated with the return.

Print Sets

Print sets customize the conditions that documents print for each tax product, tax authority, and copy type. Print sets can also determine the order in which documents print and suppress the printing of documents. The documents include forms, statements, reports, correspondence, invoices, separator sheets, federal worksheets, federal schedules, state worksheets, and state schedules. A custom print set can be configured for the firm or for staff. See Using Print Sets for more information.

Batch Printing

Manage print jobs of multiple returns in Batch Manager. See Using Batch Manager for more information, or refer to Help topics in Batch Manager.

Deducting Authorizations

If your firm is licensed to deduct authorizations on a Pay-As-You-Process (PAYP) basis, applicable federal, state, or consolidated authorizations are deducted when returns are calculated or printed if they have not been previously authorized. Authorizations are also deducted when the Social Security Number or Employee Identification Number is changed or tax authorities are added after the return was last authorized.