Managing Options When Setting Up Offices

Use the Office window to add, modify, and delete offices associated with your firm. An office represents either a specific geographic location or a logical partitioning of a firm. At least one office must be defined for the firm or for each region.

Tip: If you plan on using regions, you must set up regions prior to setting up offices. See Defining Your Firm's Organizational Unit Hierarchy for more information.

To add or modify an office, do the following:

  1. Open the ClosedOffice window.
    1. Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
    2. Click Organizational Units on the navigation panel.
    3. Select the Offices tab.
    4. Do one of the following:
      • Click New.
      • Select a business unit in the grid and click Open.

      The Offices window displays.

      Note: You can also open this window from the Assignments window, or the Client Access Groups profile.

  2. Enter or edit the office information. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  3. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or cancel.
  4. If your firm is using regions, on the Assignments window, assign this office to a region.

Note: See Managing the Firm's Custom Address and Phone Types for information about setting up custom address and phone number types.