Adding Client Associate Types

Use the Lists window to create client associate types for use when creating client associate profiles. These types are used to describe the relationship of the associate to the client.

Associates are affiliated with your clients or refer clients to your firm. For example, if an attorney refers a customer or entity to your firm as a client, the attorney could be considered an associate of that client. Another example of a client associate is the bank, law firm, or other entity providing a service or conducting business with the client. Individuals within your firm who provide assistance to your clients are considered client contacts. See Managing Client Contacts for more information.

Note: This is a simple list that requires the entry of only a name-like unique identifier; no additional windows need to be set up.

To manage this list item, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Global lists under Firm.
  2. Click Client Lists > Client Associate Types on the navigation panel.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Add a record. Click the plus sign beside the Add cell in the grid, enter the new name or identifier, and press Enter.
    • Edit a record. Double-click a record in the grid, enter a new value, and press Enter.
    • Delete a record. Select an item in the grid and click Delete on the button bar, or right-click an item in the grid and select Delete from the menu.
    • Print the grid. Click Print on the button bar, or right-click the grid and select Print from the menu to print the entire grid.
    • Select Columns. Click Select Columns on the button bar, or right-click a record on the grid and choose Select Columns from the menu. The Column Selection window displays.

Note: You must be granted the functional right to add, edit, or delete Lists to perform these functions.