Editing Staff Profiles

You can edit profile information for a single or multiple staff. The Update Multiple feature allows you to update all selected records in the Staff Profile grid.

The options that display on the profile navigation panel are the profile windows that you are granted the functional right to view. You must also be granted the functional right to edit a profile window to make and save changes to that area of the profile.

  • Update a single staff. The profile for the selected staff displays in a separate window. Saved updates are applied only to the selected staff.
  • Update multiple staff individually. The profiles for the selected staff display sequentially in the same window. You can move forward or backward through the selected staff to change only what is applicable in each individual profile. Use this method if there are multiple staff requiring a variety of profile changes.
  • Update all selected staff. The profiles for all selected staff display in separate windows. You update all selected staff in one transaction and are given the opportunity to review your selected changes before they are applied. When you select the All Selected option to update multiple staff, you can only update fields that can be applied to all the selected staff.

Note: Your firm administrator can configure notifications that are sent when staff profiles or staff templates are edited or deleted. See Managing Notification Conditions From Dashboard for instructions.

To edit staff information, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Staff under Staff Manager.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. ClosedEdit a single staff.

    1. Select the box to the left of a staff in the grid.
    2. Click Open in the Edit group on the Home tab to display the Staff Profile window.
    3. Click the options on the navigation panel that have information to be edited until all changes have been made for this staff.
    4. Note: Click in the upper-right corner of the window for more assistance, if needed.

    5. Click other options on the navigation panel that have information to be edited until all changes have been made for this staff.
    6. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.

    ClosedEdit multiple staff individually.

    1. Select the box to the left of each staff to update in the grid.
    2. To select consecutive items, press and hold Shift while selecting the first and last check boxes in the series of items you want to select on a page, or while pressing the up or down arrow.

      You can select records across multiple pages. There is no restriction on the maximum number of records that can be selected when using Update Multiple. Your selection is retained if you sort or refresh the current view. Your selection is cleared if you change the view or click Clear Selection in the Grid View group on the Home tab. The total number of selected records across all pages displays in the status bar.

    3. Select Update Multiple Individually in the Edit group on the Home tab to display the Staff Profile window. The number of the current record and the total number of selected records display in the lower-left corner. Records are opened for editing in the same order they are displayed in the grid.
    4. Select a staff option on the navigation panel that has information to edit.
    5. For each record, edit the profile information as needed.
    6. Note: Click in the upper-right corner of the window for more assistance, if needed.

    7. Click an option to reset your changes or save your changes and move to another record.

      Button Description
      Reset Profile Reverses any edits you have made to the current staff without exiting the window. The button is available when you have made changes. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to reset the data. Click Yes to reset the data or No to stop the process.
      Save & Previous Saves the current record and moves you to the previous record. This button is only available when you are editing multiple staff.
      Save & Next Saves your changes and moves you to the next record. This button is only available when you are editing multiple staff.
    8. Repeat steps c through e until all changes have been made for this staff.
    9. After making all your changes, click Save & Close to save your changes and close the window.
  4. ClosedEditing all selected staff
    1. Select the box to the left of each staff to update in the grid. 
    2. To select consecutive items, press and hold Shift while selecting the first and last check boxes in the series of items you want to select on a page, or while pressing the up or down arrow.

      You can select records across multiple pages. There is no restriction on the maximum number of records that can be selected when using Update Multiple. Your selection is retained if you sort or refresh the current view. Your selection is cleared if you change the view or click Clear Selection in the Grid View group on the Home tab. The total number of selected records across all pages displays in the status bar.

    3. Select Update Multiple > All Selected in the Edit group on the Home tab to display the Staff Profile window. The total number of selected records displays in the lower-left corner.
    4. Note: If you select the All Selected option to update multiple staff, you can only update fields that can be applied to all the selected staff.

    5. Select a staff option on the navigation panel that has information to edit.
    6. Edit the information for the staff.
    7. Note: Click in the upper-right corner of the window for more assistance, if needed.

    8. Click Continue. The All Selected Confirmation window lists the changes you selected.
    9. Review your changes to each profile field. If needed, you can remove a change by clearing the corresponding box. The total number of items listed in the grid and the number of items selected in the grid display in the lower-left corner of the window. See Confirming Changes to Multiple Staff for more information.
    10. Click Apply Changes.
    11. The Update Multiple Log displays the status of each record. If an update is unsuccessful, Exception displays in the Status column and a brief explanation is given in the Comments column. Select an Closedoption to save or search the log.
    12. Click Close.