Document Reports Overview

You can generate two types of reports that are specific to Document:

  • Standard reports allow you to identify files by commonly used criteria, such as their expiration date, class, or overdue status. There is also a report for identifying whether a client has logged in or downloaded files on Share Safe. The eight standard reports are:
  • Report Name Description
    Expiration date Lists files with expiration dates between two dates that you specify
    Folder  Description List files that belong to the folder you select in the report criteria
    Class and subclass Lists files that fall into the class and subclass that you specify
    Published files Lists files that either have or have not been published to Portal, depending on which value you select in the report criteria
    Check in date Lists files checked in between two dates that you specify
    Checked out files Lists files checked out between two dates that you specify
    Overdue files Lists files that were overdue between two dates that you specify
    Routing slips Lists files for which routing slips were generated between two dates that you specify
    Share Safe audit Lists the login or download activity for a particular client email address between two dates that you specify
  • The audit trail reports capture information about activities performed in Document. You can track activities by users and by files.
  • Note: Your administrator must enable audit trail tracking before you can generate audit trail reports.